Green schools

Green schools

Green Schools 2022/23


November 2022

The committee had another successful meeting. We completed the following tasks:

  • Analysed the results of the Biodiversity survey and made a display to show the results. We will publish the results online when the display is finsihed.
  • Promoted a campaign around the school to decide on a new Green Schools motto for Biodiversity
  • Planned gate patrol for Clean Air Week: Nov 21-25. Announced daily on the intercom, posted on our website and social media.

October 2022

Our committee had a very productive meeting on the 19th of October, the following agenda was discussed and plans were put in place for the year ahead.

  • Sent a message home to parents through the school app, website and Class Dojo to inform them that the school is now participating in Green Schools through the theme of Biodiversity
  • Made a list of green tips of the week that will be announced by 6th class every Monday morning on the school intercom 6th
  1. Energy
  2. Litter and waste
  3. Water
  4. Marine environment
  5. Travel
  • Third class will check the bins in each class on a random afternoon every week to find a winner for the Green Class of the Week.
  • Each class got Green Captain badges and all class teachers got a Green Schools Information Sheet: Green Captain badge & LOLO sign
  • Made posters to remind the school of good Travel practices and displayed them all over the school and made an announcement on the intercom about the following
  1. Walk on Wednesday campaign
  2. Scoot to School campaign
  3. Safe Drop Off: Tuesday gate patrol

September 2022

Our new committee met for the first time on Friday to discuss our plans for the next two years. We start working towards a new flag for Global Citizenship: Biodiversity.

We reminded all classes of what they can do in their classrooms regarding litter and waste, saving energy and water, taking care of our marine environment and travel.

This week is Walk to School Week so we launched a campaign to encourage our school community to follow last year's Green Code: Get out of the car it's not that far!!!

Well done to the whole school and especially the Green Schools Committee who were successful in obtaining our 5th Green Flag for Travel!! Well done everyone. Thank you also to Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy who visted the school in September and raised our Green Flag!


Our Green Team are preparing to launch year 2 of our campaign for the Green Schools Travel Flag. Travel is the fifth theme of the Green-Schools programme that we are aiming to add to our Warrenmount GS flags. We have flags in the following themes: Energy, Litter & Waste, Water and Marine Environment. Keep up to date with our action planning and initiatives throughout this 2021-22 school year!! Our slogan is........

Get Out of the Car it's Not That Far


Noticeboards Raising Awareness in Warrenmount

Get Out of the Car it's Not That Far

Our Green Team are very focused on raising awareness around good green practices. We have numerous posters and noticeboards to keep our school community informed of all the things they can do, big and small.


WOW Warrenmount Walking Wednesdays: every week our Home School Teacher Ms Kennedy goes for a walk in the local area with a very lucky class and their parents.

Get Out of the Car it's Not That Far


We had our Big Travel Challenge in Warrenmount over the last two weeks, and even though the weather wasn't kind, everyone still made a huge effort to get to school in a sustainable way. We walked, cycled and scooted! We also started our campaign to stop parents idling and pulling up outside our school gates. The Green Schools Traffic Patrol Committee put on our high-vis vest, made posters and stopped parents outside the school who were blocking the road and making the area dangerous for the whole school community. Bernie and Eamon our traffic wardens were thrilled with the help of the committee!

Get Out of the Car it's Not That Far


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Get Out of the Car it's Not That Far


Our Green Team are preparing to launch year 2 of our campaign for the Green Schools Travel Flag. Travel is the fifth theme of the Green-Schools programme that we are aiming to add to our Warrenmount GS flags. We have flags in the following themes: Energy, Litter & Waste, Water and Marine Environment. Keep up to date with our action planning and initiatives throughout this 2021-22 school year!! Our slogan is........

Get Out of the Car it's Not That Far

Well Done to the Green Schools Committee and everyone in Warrenmount who this week earned our 4th Green Flag. We were awarded the Global Citizenship: Marine Environment Theme Flag. Unfortunately we will not be able to raise our flag until September, but we will continue to be a Green School from home!!

St. Louis Infant School



Our new noticeboard: Thank you 4th class and Ms Carty!!!

The Green Schools Committe are back! Our first meeting was held on October 4th 2019. Ms Doherty is our Green teacher and our committee is made up of boys and girls from SI-6th class. We had a very productive first meeting, mainly discussing ideas for our 2019/20 Action Plan. Ms Doherty told the committee about all the ideas she got from attending the Teacher's seminar in Croke park the day before.

In preparation for Climate Action Week we watched a short documentary on marine pollution.


Art Competition Winners for Climate Action Week!!

Check out our Action Plan for Pres Primary Warrenmount

  • Classes SI-6th will watch a documentary/cartoon related to the Marine Environment. Teachers can check out options on the Green Schools folder on the common server
  • Art Competition: Our Oceans 2019 v Our Oceans 2029
  • School Survey to fins out about the usage of reusable water bottles at home and in school.

GS Meeting Novemeber 7th


  • Planned a Turn it Off Day Nov27th
  • Discussed, analysed and represented the results from the Water Bottle Survey on our noticeboard. We decided it would be a good idea to extend the reusable water bottle usage to SI and 1st classes. We launched the One Bottle Warrenmount initiative in the school.
  • We agreed to meet again in December.


Green Schools Committee Members who attended Life Below Water Workshop in Tallaght on Thursday Nov 28th.


We are very lucky to have an active and energetic Green School Committee. The Committee is made up of 11 girls from 2nd to to 6th class and Ms Doyle, Ms Doherty and Ms Kennedy.

We already have three flags - ‘Litter and Waste’, ‘Energy’ and 'Water'. This year we are busy working towards our 4th Green under the theme of 'Caring for the Marine Environment'. This is a 2 year project.

In November we surveyed our pupils and staff to find out how much they knew about dangers to marine life.


Our new 'Green Code' is 'Keep the Marine Clean'.

We will be learning about how we can help all Marine life and save them from the danger of pollution.

Our Green School noticeboards are on the hall corridor, displaying recent work and projects. Here is one of our lovely boards designed by some of the students.

In December we ran a think before you flush campaign in the school. Every teacher taught a lesson using the resources and posters send to us from Clean Coasts.

In March we ran our Big Green Action Day. It was focused on reminding the school community about the ongoing work we do for our current green flags. We ran an art competition, had a Big Green Quiz, a Big Clean on the school grounds and the 5th class made projects on the Marine Environment.

In April, Mairead Stack from Heritage Ireland visited all the classes in the school to tell us about Marine Life and caring for the Marine Environment. 2nd-6th classes went on a trip to Bull Island Visitor Centre and Dollymount Strand where we learned more about the habitat and how to care for it.

Our committee were very happy with the work carried out and awareness generated in year 1 of the Marine Environment theme. We look forward to year 2.


We are also still continuing to work on reducing litter and waste, saving energy and reducing our water usage. We are very proud of the 3 Green Flags we have been awarded already!

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Presentation Primary School,
Dublin 8

01 4539547

Green School
© 2024 Presentation Primary School Warrenmount