5th Class Ms Diskin

5th Class Ms Diskin

5th Class Ms Diskin June 22nd June 26th

Hello girls. This is our last full week. Now that we have finished our History Geography and Science we will concentrate on our Maths. I am assigned Figure it out 5 Test yourself 3 page 92 Questions 1-15 to be done on Monday and Tuesday. mental problems 3 page 93 to be done on Wednesday and Written problems 3 page 94 to be done on Thursday and Friday. We will correct our work on Tuesday and Friday at 12. You can use a calculator. Try and remember the instructions I gave you last week about working with percentages. But don't worry we will correct them together. We will have a kahoot quiz on Tuesday and again on Friday at 12. I will give you the pin then. Again if you cannot download kahoot on your phone I will call out the questions you can do it on paper. Keep up the effort girls we're nearly there.

test yourself 3.JPG

mental math 3.JPG

written problems 3 page 94.JPG

Monday June 22nd

Figure it Out 5 Test Yourself 3 page 92 question 1-30

Read your library book

Tuesday June 23rd

Figure it Out 5 Test yourself 3 page 92 Questions 1-15

Read your library book

Google Class video chat at 12 we will correct out Maths and we will have a kahoot Quiz

Wednesday June 24th

Figure it Out 5 Mental Problems page 93 Question 1-12

Read your library book

Thursday June 25th

Figure it Out 5 Written problems page 94 Questions 1-6

Read your library book

Friday June 26th

Figure it Out 5 Written Problems page 94 Questions 7-12

Read your library book

Google Video Chat at 12 noon we will correct our math and we will have a kahoot quiz

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